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Built-in grinder
Best coffee machine
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
Best coffee machine
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
Are you unsure which coffee machine is the best option for you? In this buying guide, you can learn more about what to look for when picking a coffee machine.
Type of coffee machine
You have to determine which type of coffee machine is the best fit for your needs. Overall, there are the following types of coffee machines:
Filter coffee machines
Pod coffee machines
Fully automatic coffee machines
Semi-automatic espresso machines
Built-in coffee machines
The following table shows the advantages and disadvantages of each of the coffee machine types:
Not suitable for brewing coffee for large gatherings
Type of coffee
Espresso based
£51-3106 (Avg.: £573)
Amount of coffee | caffeine per cup
8 g | 50-70 mg
Price per cup of coffee
Available with grinder
Available with a milk frother
Built-in coffee machine
Does not take up tabletop space
Quick coffee brewing
Can brew different types of coffee
Strength and size are customizable
Advanced installation
Very high purchase price
Requires regular cleaning and maintenance
Small selection
Type of coffee
Espresso based
Amount of coffee | caffeine per cup
Price per cup of coffee
Available with grinder
Available with a milk frother
Brewing capacity
Consider how many cups of coffee you typically need to brew at once. Some coffee machines are designed for brewing 1–2 cups of coffee, while others can make larger quantities.
Pod coffee and semi-automatic espresso machines are suitable for brewing only a few cups of coffee at a time. In contrast, a filter coffee machine is the best choice if you have to serve coffee to many people.
Coffee grinder
A semi-automatic espresso machine with a built-in grinder (Image: Reoverview)
If you prefer freshly ground coffee, look for a coffee machine with a built-in grinder, or buy one you can buy separately.
Fully automatic coffee machines always have a built-in grinder.
Semi-automatic espresso machines are available with and without a built-in grinder.
Filter coffee machines are available with- and without the grinder. Most models are built without a grinder.
Milk frother
If you enjoy milk-based coffee drinks, like lattes and cappuccinos, consider a coffee machine with a built-in milk frother. Alternatively, you can buy a milk frother separately.
Both fully automatic coffee machines, semi-automatic espresso machines, and pod coffee machines are available with built-in milk frothers.
Coffee machines are available at a wide range of prices. Some coffee machines are much more expensive, and others have higher operating costs.
The most budget-friendly choice regarding purchase price and operating cost is filter coffee machines.
Pod coffee machines typically have a low purchase price but are generally the most expensive choice in terms of price per cup of coffee.
Fully automatic coffee and semi-automatic espresso machines are equally expensive as they typically use whole beans. However, fully automatic coffee machines are more costly in purchase price.
The following chart shows the distribution in the price of coffee machines:
Updated February 10, 2025
If you are looking for a cheap coffee machine, take a look at the following ten cheapest models: