What Does a Freezer Cost in Electricity?

08. September 2024

How much electricity does a freezer cost? What is the difference in electricity costs between a large freezer versus a small one? We will discuss this and much more in this article.



A distinction is typically made between two types of freezers: Cabinet freezers and chest freezers. The table below shows an overview of the average electricity costs associated with these two types of freezers. Further down in the article, we will delve deeper into the electricity costs.

Type Monthly electricity costs Annual electricity costs
Cabinet freezer £6 £74
Chest freezer £7 £80

The calculation of electricity costs is based on the average energy consumption across the freezers represented in our freezer comparison. An electricity price of £0.3 per kWh is used.


What does a cabinet freezer cost in electricity?

Cabinet freezers are generally less energy-efficient than chest freezers, as they are typically opened more often and retain the cold less effectively due to their design. On the other hand, cabinet freezers are more practical for daily use.

Cabinet freezers come in many sizes, which affects their energy consumption. The energy consumption across cabinet freezers varies from 137 – 328 kWh, depending on the model. The average energy consumption among cabinet freezers is 248 kWh.

per kWh

Based on an energy consumption of 248 kWh and an electricity price of £0.3 per kWh, the cabinet freezer will use £74 of electricity annually.

In the following table, we have compared the electricity costs associated with the cabinet freezer and the highest energy consumption, the model with the lowest energy consumption, and the average across cabinet freezers:

Cabinet freezer Monthly electricity costs Annual electricity costs
Cabinet freezer with the lowest energy consumption (137 kWh) £3 £41
Cabinet freezer with the highest energy consumption (328 kWh) £8 £98
Average cabinet freezer (248 kWh) £6 £74

Be aware that the actual electricity costs associated with a cabinet freezer will depend on several factors, including how it is used (how large the food items being frozen are, temperature settings, how often it is opened, etc.) and your local electricity price.


What does a chest freezer cost in electricity?

Chest freezers are generally more energy-efficient than cabinet freezers, primarily due to their design. Like cabinet freezers, chest freezers are available in many different sizes, which greatly influences their energy consumption.

The annual energy consumption of chest freezers varies from 231 – 330 kWh. The average energy consumption is 268 kWh.

per kWh

A chest freezer with an energy consumption of 268 kWh and an electricity price of £0.3 per kWh will use £80 of electricity annually.

In the following table, you can get an overview of the electricity costs for chest freezers with different energy consumption sizes:

Chest freezer Monthly electricity costs Annual electricity costs
Chest freezer with the lowest energy consumption (231 kWh) £6 £69
Chest freezer with the highest energy consumption (330 kWh) £8 £99
Average chest freezer (268 kWh) £7 £80

Distribution of energy consumption

All freezers have an energy label that shows their annual energy consumption. In the following graph, you can get an insight into how energy consumption is distributed between cabinet freezers and chest freezers:

Updated February 9, 2025

As the graph shows, there is a significant difference in energy consumption across the freezers.

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