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About our comparison method
To provide the most accurate and unbiased picture of which products are the best, we do the following:
We gather user reviews from many different sources. Sources that have too many positive reviews are filtered out. You can view the source of each product review (note that in some cases, the reviews may be anonymous).
We collect expert reviews from various sources. Reviews about products received for free are removed. It is also important that the expert has physically tested the product.
A score is calculated based on this data. We do not modify product scores, and payment or products from brands to promote specific products are not accepted.
We are not perfect. There will always be biases that can affect the ranking of products. The following biases may arise:
If the brand or the sources we use in our reviews have employed aggressive strategies to receive positive reviews for certain products or if they delete negative reviews. We are aware of this and try our best to exclude these sources.
If most of a product’s reviews come from one source.
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There may be errors in the data we use to calculate the score. Some data is collected automatically, and there can be errors in the information we receive. Other data is manually collected, and typos can occur.
In most cases, we collaborate with the largest and most popular retailers, although this is not true for all product categories. Our comparison includes only products from retailers we collaborate with.
Other important information about our comparison:
The reviews and scores are generally updated at the beginning of each month.
Prices are updated daily, typically in the morning (depending on the retailer).
Products no longer available are automatically removed from the ranking.
If the price we display does not match the actual price, it is either because the price has changed since our last update or because we have received an incorrect price from the retailer.
We can make mistakes. Therefore, you should always double-check information.
Energy rating
Noise level
Noise emission class
Best refrigerator
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
Best refrigerator
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
All refrigerators have an energy label, providing the most essential product information.
On the energy label, you will find the following information about the refrigerator:
Energy efficiency class
Annual energy consumption
Cooling capacity
Freezing capacity (if it has a freezer compartment)
Noise level
Noise level class
The energy label makes it easier to compare key specifications between the refrigerators.
The freezing- and cooling capacity indicated on the energy label
Before purchasing a refrigerator, measure the available space in your kitchen to ensure it fits comfortably. Consider the width, height, and depth of the space where the refrigerator will be placed.
The size of the refrigerator naturally affects its freezing and cooling capacity.
Types of installation
Freestanding: You can position a freestanding refrigerator wherever you prefer. However, some models require a water connection, which should ideally be easily accessible.
Integrated: Built-in refrigerators are designed to be concealed behind the same type of doors used in the rest of the kitchen.
Energy efficiency class
The energy efficiency class indicated on the energy label
On the energy label, you can find the refrigerator’s energy class. The energy class ranges from A to G, where A is the best. It also provides information about how efficiently the refrigerator uses energy. With a refrigerator in a good energy class, you will be able to save money on your electricity bill.
The following chart shows how the energy efficiency class is distributed across the refrigerators:
E (58%)
F (25%)
D (9%)
C (7%)
Updated February 10, 2025
Energy consumption
The energy consumption indicated on the energy label
You can find the refrigerator’s annual energy consumption on the energy label. Typically, large refrigerators (such as American refrigerators) and refrigerators with freezer compartments have a higher energy consumption.
The following chart shows the average energy consumption for the various types of refrigerators:
Updated February 10, 2025
Noise level
The noise level and the noise level class indicated on the energy label
The refrigerator’s noise level class and noise level are found on the energy label. The noise level class ranges from A to D, where A is the best. The following chart shows how the noise level class is distributed across the refrigerators:
C (68%)
B (18%)
D (12%)
F (2%)
Updated February 10, 2025
The noise level listed on the energy label indicates the refrigerator’s actual noise output. The noise level of refrigerators is generally relatively low, but there can be a significant difference between quiet and noisy models. It is essential if you want a quiet environment in your kitchen or living space. Across the refrigerators, it ranges from 33 dB to 43 dB.
The following chart shows the average noise level for the various types of refrigerators:
Updated February 10, 2025
The price of the various refrigerators can vary widely, so set a budget and prioritize the features that are most important to you.
Remember that while budget models may save you money upfront, energy-efficient models can lead to long-term savings on your electricity bills.
Some types of refrigerators are more expensive than others. The following chart compares the average price of each of the refrigerator types.
Updated February 10, 2025
The following chart shows how the price is distributed across the various types of refrigerators:
Updated February 10, 2025
Technical specifications
Freezing capacity: The freezing capacity indicates the freezer compartment’s ability to freeze a certain amount of food within a specific time frame. It is measured in kg/day.
Storage time in case of power failure: This refers to the freezer’s capability to maintain safe storage temperatures for food in the event of a power outage.
Other functions
These are some of the functions you should consider for your refrigerator:
Smart function: Allows the refrigerator to connect to the household’s Wi-Fi network, enabling remote control and monitoring via a dedicated app.
No frost: A technology that prevents frost and ice build-up inside the freezer, eliminating manual defrosting.
Door alarm: An alert system that signals when fridge or freezer doors are left open, ensuring food safety and energy efficiency.
Water dispenser: A function that provides water directly from the fridge.
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