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Pump pressure
Integrated coffee grinder
Bean container capacity
Milk frother
PID controller
Milk frothing method
Automatic tamper
Best semi-automatic espresso machine
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
Best semi-automatic espresso machine
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
Do you need help deciding which semi-automatic espresso machine you should choose? You can learn more about what to look for in our buying guide.
How they work
Brewing with a semi-automatic espresso machine (Image: Reoverview)
In short, this is how a semi-automatic espresso machine works:
Preparation: Grind and tamp coffee grounds into the portafilter.
Brewing: Attach the portafilter, start the brewing process, and stop it when the desired amount of espresso is extracted.
Steaming: Froth and steam milk using the steam wand. Add the frothed milk to the coffee.
Cleanup: Clean the portafilter and steam wand after use.
Keep in mind that the price range for semi-automatic espresso machines can vary based on brand and features. Finding a suitable espresso machine means balancing your budget with the features and quality you’re looking for.
The cheapest semi-automatic espresso machine is the Severin KA 5978, which costs £50.99, whereas the DeLonghi EC9865.M is the most expensive for £3106.4.
The following chart shows how the price is distributed across the semi-automatic espresso machines:
Updated February 9, 2025
If you are looking for a budget-friendly semi-automatic espresso machine, take a look at one of the following models, which are the five cheapest:
Semi-automatic espresso machine with grinder (Image: Reoverview)
Consider a machine with a built-in grinder if you don’t already have one separately. Integrated grinders are convenient and ensure that your coffee is freshly ground for each shot.
These are the main advantages and disadvantages of picking a semi-automatic espresso machine with a built-in grinder:
Convenience: Having a built-in grinder eliminates the need for a separate grinder, saving you space and reducing clutter on your countertop.
Freshness: You can grind coffee beans just before brewing, ensuring the freshest possible coffee for each shot, which can enhance the flavor.
Time-Saving: It saves time as you don’t have to transfer coffee from a separate grinder to the portafilter.
Cost: Espresso machines with built-in grinders tend to be more expensive compared to machines without grinders.
Size: The semi-automatic espresso machines with built-in grinders are bigger than models without, which means you need more kitchen space.
My personal experience: I have had semi-automatic espresso machines with and without a built-in grinder, and I prefer a model with a grinder. I prefer to grind my beans, and with a model with a built-in grinder, I don’t need a separate coffee grinder in my kitchen.
A portafilter (Image: Reoverview)
These are the most common accessories when buying a semi-automatic espresso machine:
Portafilter: The portafilter is the device that holds the coffee during brewing. It’s an essential accessory; most machines come with one or more portafilters. Some machines may have single and double-shot portafilters for different serving sizes.
Portafilters come in various sizes, with 58mm and 54mm being the most common. The size of the portafilter affects the amount of coffee you can brew in one shot.
Tamper: A tamper is used to evenly compress the coffee inside the portafilter before brewing. It ensures uniform extraction and a consistent espresso shot.
While manual coffee tamping in the portafilter is the norm for most espresso machines, some models have automatic tamping functionality. You can find the semi-automatic espresso machines with automatic tamper here.
Frothing pitcher: If you enjoy milk-based espresso drinks like lattes and cappuccinos, a frothing pitcher is essential. It’s used to steam and froth milk, creating a creamy texture for your drinks. Look for a stainless steel frothing pitcher with a comfortable handle and a spout for easy pouring.
Milk frother
A milk frother is essential for making milk-based espresso drinks like lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos. Semi-automatic espresso machines typically use a steam wand for milk frothing.
A steam wand is a metal tube or wand that extends from the machine, usually on the side or front. To froth milk with a steam wand, you’ll first need to fill a frothing pitcher with milk (usually cold), submerge the wand, and turn on the steam function.
Hot steam is released from the wand and heats and froths the milk. You control the frothing process by positioning the wand and adjusting the steam pressure.
When considering the size of a semi-automatic espresso machine, assessing the space available in your kitchen and your brewing needs is essential. Choose a size that fits your space while providing the capacity and functionality required for your preferences.
Compact semi-automatic espresso machines without a built-in grinder are available in models up to 15 cm widths.
Semi-automatic espresso machines with built-in grinders are heavier and take up more space. They have a width of 29 to 42 cm.
Cleaning and maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance are crucial to keep your machine performing well and producing great coffee. Here are some maintenance considerations:
Check if the machine has a removable drip tray for easy cleaning.
Look for machines with self-cleaning or descaling features to simplify maintenance tasks.
Regularly clean the portafilter, the brewing head, and the steam wand to prevent coffee residues from affecting the flavor.
These are some of the features you can consider when choosing your espresso machine:
Pressure gauge: Some semi-automatic machines have a pressure gauge that helps users monitor the extraction pressure for consistent results.
Adjustable temperature: Adjustable temperature control is a feature found in some semi-automatic espresso machines. It allows the user to customize the brewing temperature based on the coffee bean type and their taste preferences.
PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) Control: PID is a type of temperature control technology used in some high-end espresso machines. It helps maintain a stable and precise brewing temperature, crucial for consistent espresso quality.
ESE Pods (Easy Serving Espresso) compatibility: ESE pods are pre-packaged, single-serving espresso pods that contain a specific amount of coffee. They are standardized and designed to work with ESE-compatible espresso machines. ESE pods are convenient because they eliminate the need to grind coffee beans and dose the portafilter. You simply place the pod in the machine, and it brews a shot of espresso.
Which semi-automatic espresso machine with a grinder is the best?
47% of all semi-automatic espresso machines come with a built-in grinder. Here are 3 of the best semi-automatic espresso machines with a grinder:
Semi-automatic espresso machine
Sage The Barista Express BES875UK
Sage Barista Express Impress SES876
DeLonghi EC9865.M
Which semi-automatic espresso machine without a grinder is the best?
Semi-automatic espresso machines are typically compact and affordable. Here are 3 of the best semi-automatic espresso machines without a grinder:
Semi-automatic espresso machine
Smeg ECF01
DeLonghi EC 685
Sage The Duo-Temp Pro BES810BSS
Which budget semi-automatic espresso machine is the best?
In many households, a cheap semi-automatic espresso machine can be sufficient. If you want a budget-friendly semi-automatic espresso machine, consider one of the following models.
Here are 3 of the best cheap semi-automatic espresso machines for under £150:
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