What Does a Washer-Dryer Cost in Electricity and Water?

09. September 2024

What does a washer-dryer cost in electricity and water consumption? How much can you save by choosing an energy-efficient washer-dryer? To find out, keep reading.



In the following table, you can get an overview of the operating costs for an average washer-dryer.

Further down, we will delve deeper into the operating costs.

Cost Per cycle 100 cycles
Electricity costs (wash) £0.2 £19
Water costs (wash) £0.1 £14
Electricity costs (wash and dry) £1.0 £98
Water costs (wash and dry) £0.2 £22

The calculation is based on an electricity price of £0.3 per kWh and a water price of £3.0 per m³.

The data for the calculation is based on the models represented in our comparison of washer-dryers.


What does a washer-dryer cost in electricity?

per m³

A washer-dryer’s electricity consumption can be divided into two: Electricity consumption for washing and electricity consumption for washing and drying.

The following calculations are based on an electricity price of £0.3 per kWh.


Electricity costs for washing

Washer-dryers generally have the same energy consumption as front-loading washing machines with washing cycles.

The energy consumption for 100 washing cycles in washer-dryers ranges between 47 and 90 kWh. This consumption can vary from model to model based on various factors, including the machine’s capacity, motor type, and energy efficiency.

Based on a washer-dryer with an energy consumption of 47 kWh and an electricity price of £14.1, it will use £14.1 of electricity for 100 washing cycles.

In the following table, you can get an overview of the electricity costs associated with washer-dryers of different sizes and energy consumption:

Washer-dryer Electricity costs per wash Electricity costs 100 washes
Washer-dryer with the lowest energy consumption (47 kWh) £0.1 £14
Washer-dryer with the highest energy consumption (90 kWh) £0.3 £27
Average washer-dryer (62 kWh) £0.2 £19

Electricity costs for washing and drying

Electricity consumption for 100 cycles, involving both washing and drying, varies between 264 kWh and 391 kWh among the washer-dryers.

In the following table, the electricity costs for washer-dryers for washing and drying, with different sizes of energy consumption, are presented:

Washer-dryer Electricity costs (per wash and dry) Electricity costs (100 washes and dryings)
Washer-dryer with the lowest energy consumption (264 kWh) £0.8 £79
Washer-dryer with the highest energy consumption (391 kWh) £1.2 £117
Average washer-dryer (325 kWh) £1.0 £98

What does a washer-dryer cost in water consumption?

Like electricity consumption, the water consumption of washer-dryers can be divided into two: Water consumption for washing and water consumption for washing and drying.

The following calculations are based on a water price of £3.0 per m³.


Water costs for washing

Water consumption for 1 washing cycle varies from 34 – 53 litres among the washer-dryers. Thus, the water consumption of the washer-dryer forms a significant part of the operating costs.

Based on a washer-dryer with a water consumption of 34 litres per wash and a water price of £3.0 per m³, the water costs will be £0.1 per cycle.

The following table illustrates a closer look at the water costs for washer-dryers with different water consumption:

Washer-dryer Water costs per wash Water costs 100 washes
Washer-dryer with the lowest water consumption (34 L) £0.10 £10
Washer-dryer with the highest water consumption (53 L) £0.16 £16
Average washer-dryer (46 L) £0.14 £14

Water costs for washing and drying

Washer-dryers use between 46 and 100 litres of water per wash and drying, depending on the model.

In the following table, you can get a closer look at what this means in water costs:

Washer-dryer Water costs per wash and dry Water costs 100 washes and dryings
Washer-dryer with the lowest water consumption (46 L) £0.14 £14
Washer-dryer with the highest water consumption (100 L) £0.30 £30
Average washer-dryer (74 L) £0.22 £22

Please note that the actual electricity and water costs associated with your washer-dryer will depend on several factors, including your specific washer-dryer, your local electricity and water rates, and your usage pattern.

You can read more about energy-efficient washer-dryers here.

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