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We gather user reviews from many different sources. Sources that have too many positive reviews are filtered out. You can view the source of each product review (note that in some cases, the reviews may be anonymous).
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The reviews and scores are generally updated at the beginning of each month.
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We can make mistakes. Therefore, you should always double-check information.
Energy efficiency class (washing+drying)
Energy efficiency class (washing)
Energy consumption (100 washing+drying cycles)
Washing capacity
Drying capacity
Max. spin speed
Type of motor
Noise level
Noise emission class
WiFi control
Spin performance
Best washer-dryer
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
Best washer-dryer
( - of ) |
Updated February 2, 2025
Are you unsure about what to consider when purchasing a washer-dryer? Read our buying guide below for clarity on which washer-dryer to buy.
Energy label
The energy label for a washer-dryer
All washing machines and washer-dryers have an energy label, where you can find the key specifications for each product. With the energy label, you can more easily compare product specifications.
On the energy label, you can find the following information about the washer-dryer:
Energy class (washing cycle)
Energy class (washing and drying cycle)
Energy consumption (only washing)
Energy consumption (washing and drying)
Capacity (washing)
Capacity (drying)
Water consumption (only washing)
Water consumption (washing and drying)
Duration for 1 washing cycle
Duration for 1 washing- and drying cycle)
Centrifugation performance
Noise level
Noise level class
The energy label for washer-dryers differs from that of washing machines as it’s divided into two parts: one for the washing cycle (on the right side) and another for the combined washing and drying cycle (on the left side).
Energy efficiency class
The energy efficiency class indicated on the energy label
You can find the washer-dryer’s energy efficiency class on the energy label, which is indicated on a scale from A – to G, where A is the best.
The energy efficiency class is indicated for washing and drying on the left of the energy label. On the right, you can find only the energy efficiency class for washing cycles.
Go for a model with a good energy class, as it will lower your electricity costs and could save you money in the long run.
The following chart shows how the energy efficiency class is distributed across the washer-dryers for washing only:
A (30%)
D (24%)
B (19%)
C (16%)
E (8%)
F (3%)
Updated February 9, 2025
In the following chart, you can see how the energy efficiency class is distributed for washing and drying cycles:
E (65%)
D (27%)
F (8%)
Updated February 9, 2025
Energy consumption
The energy consumption indicated on the energy label
In addition to the energy class, you can see the actual (estimated) energy consumption of the washer-dryer on the energy label. The energy consumption is measured over 100 cycles, displaying figures for both 100 washing cycles and 100 washing-and-drying cycles.
Typically, washer-dryers with a larger capacity also tend to consume more energy.
The washer-dryer with the lowest energy consumption for 100 washing cycles is the Hisense WDQA8014EVJM, which consumes 47 kWh. These are the five models with the lowest energy consumption:
The size of a washer-dryer is one of the most important factors to consider. Most models have the standard 85 cm height and 60 cm width, and the depth varies from 55 cm to 70 cm. Also, leave at least 5 mm on all sides for ventilation.
The capacity indicated on the energy label
Determine the capacity of the washer-dryer you need based on the amount of laundry you typically do. Consider your family size and the frequency of your laundry to select the appropriate capacity.
It’s important to note that the washer-dryer’s drying capacity is less than its washing capacity. If you want your clothes to dry thoroughly, you should only half-fill the drum if you’re going to run it for a complete wash and dry cycle. This allows the clothes to move around more to dry better.
The following chart shows how the washing capacity is distributed for washer-dryers:
Updated February 9, 2025
The following chart shows how the drying capacity is distributed for washer-dryers:
Updated February 9, 2025
The price for a washer-dryer varies from £300 to £1489. When you buy an expensive washer-dryer, you can expect more features and an overall better quality. These are some of the main differences between a cheap washer-dryer compared to an expensive one:
Lower energy consumption
Lower water consumption
Longer expected lifespan
Lower noise emission
Better motor
Larger washing and drying volume
The cheapest washer-dryer is the Indesit Ecotime IWDC 65125, at £299.99. These are the five cheapest washer-dryers in our comparison.
The length of a cycle varies on the amount and weight of clothes. The heavier your clothes are, the longer it takes to dry. The more space inside your drum, the faster your things will dry.
The energy label for each washer-dryer shows the expected length of a standard cycle. The following chart displays the distribution in the standard washing-and-drying cycle for washer-dryers:
Updated February 9, 2025
Noise level
The noise level and the noise level class indicated on the energy label
On each washer-dryer’s energy label, you can find its noise level, measured in decibels (dB), and its noise level class from A – D, where A is the best.
The noise level for washer-dryers varies from 69 dB to 81 dB, which means there is a big difference from a quiet to a noisy model.
You should pay attention to the noise level of the washer-dryer, especially if it will be installed near a living area or a bedroom.
The quietest washer-dryer is the Bosch WNA14490GB, with a noise level of 69 dB.
The following chart shows how the noise level class is distributed across the washer-dryers:
A (57%)
B (32%)
C (8%)
D (3%)
Updated February 9, 2025
Centrifugation performance
The centrifugation performance indicated on the energy label
On the energy label, you can find the washer-dryer’s centrifugation performance ranges from A – to G, where A is the best.
The centrifugation performance tells how much moisture is left in the clothes after each wash. A high centrifugation performance means less moisture is left in the cloth after a washing cycle; thus, the cloth dries faster.
The following chart shows how the centrifugation performance is distributed across the washer-dryers:
B (95%)
A (5%)
Updated February 9, 2025
These are some of the most popular features to consider for your washer-dryer:
WiFi connectivity: A washer-dryer with WiFi connectivity allows you to control and monitor your washer-dryer using your smartphone. It lets you start, stop, pause, or adjust the wash and dry cycles remotely. This can be convenient if you want to keep your laundry going while you’re away from home.
Delay start timer: A delay start time is a convenient feature that allows you to set a time delay for the washer-dryer to start a cycle.
Interior lighting: Interior lighting is a practical feature that improves visibility inside the washer-dryer drum.
For many households, a budget washer-dryer may be sufficient.
Here are 3 of the best budget-friendly washer-dryers for under £550:
Cheap washer-dryer
Hisense WDQA8014EVJM
Samsung WD80TA046BX
Zanussi Z716WT83BI
Which washer-dryer with steam function is the best?
A washer-dryer with a steam function uses steam to reduce wrinkles and freshen up clothes, resulting in a gentler and more efficient cleaning and drying process.
Here are the 3 best washer-dryers with a steam function:
Hisense WDQA8014EVJM
Samsung WD80TA046BX
Bosch WNA134U8GB
Which smart washer-dryer is the best?
A smart washer-dryer can connect to the internet and be controlled via an app, allowing for remote control monitoring of the washing process, and receiving notifications about the machine’s status.
Here are 3 of the best smart washer-dryers:
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